
CEO’s message

CEO’s message

Sugnam Industry will become a manufacturer that leads Korea and try hard to constantly grow for the convenient and comfortable world.

A company that practices customers’ ideas
Customers’ ideasr
For the creative and active manufacturer’s innovation to offer
happiness to customersThank you for visiting our website.
Our company has made efforts to satisfy customers’ demands
since its establishment in 2000. As a manufacturer and assembly
business of Solenoid, Current Transfomer, S/W and leakage current
circuit breaker(ELCB), we create quality and new values that customers
desire. All employees of Sugnam Industry will continue to practice company
culture of constant efforts and challenges. We try our best to grow
with customers under the philosophy of ‘Trust by customers’ as the core of
company development.

Thank you for visiting our website.
CEOKim Tae-yi